Preposisi Bahasa Inggris (Kata Depan) – English Prepositions – Contoh Soal dan Jawaban

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Preposisi bahasa inggris

Preposisi Bahasa Inggris – English Prepositions

Dalam bahasa Inggris, preposisi adalah kata-kata pendek (on, in, to) yang biasanya berdiri di depan kata benda (kadang-kadang juga di depan kata kerja gerund).

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, preposisi kata yang biasa terdapat di depan nomina, misalnya, dari, dengan, di, dan ke

Bahkan pelajar Bahasa Inggris tingkat lanjut merasa sulit menggunakan preposisi, karena terjemahan 1: 1 biasanya tidak mungkin. Satu preposisi dalam bahasa Indonesia mungkin memiliki beberapa terjemahan tergantung situasinya.

Hampir tidak ada aturan tentang kapan harus menggunakan preposisi yang mana. Satu-satunya cara untuk mempelajari preposisi adalah mencarinya di kamus, banyak membaca dalam bahasa Inggris (sastra) dan mempelajari frasa yang berguna dengan hati (tips belajar).

Tabel berikut berisi aturan untuk beberapa preposisi yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris:

Preposisi Waktu (Prepositions – Time)

Untuk memberi petunjuk waktu (at night, after lunch, during the storm).

EnglishUsage (Penggunaan)Example
  • on

  • days of the week
  • on Monday
  • in

  • months / seasons
  • time of day
  • year
  • after a certain period of time (when?)
  • in August / in winter
  • in the morning
  • in 2006
  • in an hour
  • at

  • for night
  • for weekend
  • a certain point of time (when?)
  • at night
  • at the weekend
  • at half past nine
  • since

  • from a certain point of time (past till now)
  • since 1980
  • for

  • over a certain period of time (past till now)
  • for 2 years
  • ago

  • a certain time in the past
  • 2 years ago
  • before

  • earlier than a certain point of time
  • before 2004
  • to

  • telling the time
  • ten to six (5:50)
  • past

  • telling the time
  • ten past six (6:10)
  • to / till / until

  • marking the beginning and end of a period of time
  • from Monday to/till Friday
  • till / until

  • in the sense of how long something is going to last
  • He is on holiday until Friday.
  • by

  • in the sense of at the latest
  • up to a certain time
  • I will be back by 6 o’clock.
  • By 11 o’clock, I had read five pages.

Preposition of Time adalah jenis kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan waktu. Berikut ini beberapa contoh preposition of time yang populer digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris, seperti in, on, at, for, since, before, after, until, till, by, during. Yuk, lihat penjelasan beserta contoh kalimatnya.

At adalah contoh preposition of time yang digunakan untuk menyatakan jam, liburan, perayaan atau waktu spesifik lainnya. At artinya pada. Baca contoh kalimat berikut:

  • That shop opens at 7.00 a.m. (Toko itu buka pada pukul 7.00 pagi.)
  • I didn’t go home at night. (Aku tidak pulang pada malam hari.)
  • It is always crowded here at Christmas time. (Di sini selalu rame pada saat Natal.)

In adalah preposition of time yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bulan, musim, tahun, atau periode waktu tertentu. In artinya pada. Baca contoh kalimat preposition in berikut:

  • We will go in June. (Kita akan pergi pada bulan Juni.)
  • I was born in 1995. (Saya lahir pada tahun 1995.)
  • She drinks milk in the morning. (Ia minum susu pada pagi hari.)

On adalah preposition of time yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan hari tertentu dalam seminggu, tanggal spesifik, dan hari-hari spesial. On artinya pada. Baca contoh kalimat preposition on berikut:

  • I don’t have an extra course on Monday. (Aku tak ikut les tambahan pada hari Senin.)
  • It is always fun on New Year’s Eve. (Selalu menyenangkan pada malam tahun baru.)
  • My brother’s birthday is on Juli 30th. (Ulang tahun adikku pada tanggal 30 Juli.)

Before / After adalah contoh kata depan bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu sebelum atau setelah. Before artinya sebelum sedangkan After artinya setelah. Yuk baca contohnya.

  • I’ll finish it before lunch. (Aku akan menyelesaikannya sebelum makan siang.)
  • Sunday comes before Monday. (Minggu datang sebelum Senin.)
  • After lunch, she does her homework. (Setelah makan siang, ia mengerjakan PR.)
  • They are gonna leave after dawn. (Mereka akan pergi setelah fajar.)

For / Since adalah contoh kata depan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kurun waktu tertentu dan waktu dimulainnya sebuah kegiatan. For dapat berarti selama sedangkan Since berarti sejak. Biasanya digunakan sebagai Keterangan Waktu dalam Kalimat Present Perfect Tense. Dengan melihat contoh kalimat di bawah ini kamu bisa melihat perbedaan keduanya.

  • We have been friends for 10 years. (Kami telah berteman selama 10 tahun.)
  • We have been friends since 2008. (Kami telah berteman sejak 2008.)

Preposisi bahasa inggris
Preposisi Bahasa Inggris. Sumber foto dan ilustrasi: Pixabay dan PinterPandai

Preposisi – Tempat dan Arah / Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)

Untuk memberi petunjuk tempat atau posisi (among his friends, inside my PC, outside the auditorium).

EnglishUsage (Penggunaan)Example (Contoh)
  • in

  • room, building, street, town, country
  • book, paper etc.
  • car, taxi
  • picture, world
  • in the kitchen, in London
  • in the book
  • in the car, in a taxi
  • in the picture, in the world
  • at

  • meaning next to, by an object
  • for table
  • for events
  • place where you are to do something typical
    (watch a film, study, work)
  • at the door, at the station
  • at the table
  • at a concert, at the party
  • at the cinema, at school, at work
  • on

  • attached
  • for a place with a river
  • being on a surface
  • for a certain side (left, right)
  • for a floor in a house
  • for public transport
  • for television, radio
  • the picture on the wall
  • London lies on the Thames.
  • on the table
  • on the left
  • on the first floor
  • on the bus, on a plane
  • on TV, on the radio
  • by, next to, beside

  • left or right of somebody or something
  • Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.
  • under

  • on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else
  • the bag is under the table
  • below

  • lower than something else but above ground
  • the fish are below the surface
  • over

  • covered by something else
  • meaning more than
  • getting to the other side (also across)
  • overcoming an obstacle
  • put a jacket over your shirt
  • over 16 years of age
  • walk over the bridge
  • climb over the wall
  • above

  • higher than something else, but not directly over it
  • a path above the lake
  • across

  • getting to the other side (also over)
  • getting to the other side
  • walk across the bridge
  • swim across the lake
  • through

  • something with limits on top, bottom and the sides
  • drive through the tunnel
  • to

  • movement to person or building
  • movement to a place or country
  • for bed
  • go to the cinema
  • go to London / Ireland
  • go to bed
  • into

  • enter a room / a building
  • go into the kitchen / the house
  • towards

  • movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)
  • go 5 steps towards the house
  • onto

  • movement to the top of something
  • jump onto the table
  • from

  • in the sense of where from
  • a flower from the garden

Place and Direction adalah jenis kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan tempat, lokasi seseorang atau sebuah benda. Berikut ini beberapa preposition of place and direction yang sering digunakan dalam keseharian seperti in, on, at, under, above, below, between, among, next to, beside, in front of, up, down.. Yuk, lihat penjelasan beserta contoh kalimatnya.

Selain sebagai preposition of time, At juga berfungsi sebagai kata depan yang menunjukkan suatu tempat atau lokasi pada sebuah titik, misalnya alamat. At berarti di / pada. Baca contoh kalimat yuk.

  • I live at Ngurah Rai Street Number 99X. (Saya tinggal di Jalan Ngurah Rai Nomor 99X.)
  • Anna is at home. (Anna ada di rumah.)
  • Meet me at the airport tomorrow. (Temui saya di bandara besok.)

In berfungsi sebagai kata depan yang menunjukkan tempat atau lokasi. In berarti di / di dalam (ruangan, kota). Perhatikan contoh kalimat yuk.

  • There are many flowers in my garden. (Ada banyak bunga di kebun saya.)
  • Don’t sleep in a car. (Jangan tidur di dalam mobil.)
  • She was born in Sydney. (Ia lahir di Sydney.)

On adalah contoh preposition of place yang berfungsi menunjukkan lokasi sebuah benda/seseorang di atas sebuah tempat. On artinya di atas. Coba lihat contoh kalimatnya berikut ini.

  • A newspaper is on the table. (Koran ada di atas meja.)
  • Don’t put your clothes on my bed. (Jangan letakkan pakaianmu di atas tempat tidurku.)
  • Write it on a piece of paper. (Tulis itu di atas selembar kertas.)

Under artinya di bawah. Yuk perhatikan contoh kalimat preposition berikut agar semakin paham penggunaan Under dalam bahasa Inggris.

  • The key is under the fridge. (Kunci itu ada di bawah kulkas.)
  • My dog isn’t sleeping under your bed. (Anjingku tidak tidur di bawah tempat tidurmu.)
  • Who put those clothes under the pillow? (Siapa yang meletakkan pakaian di bawah bantal?)

Between / Among adalah contoh kata depan yang memiliki arti serupa yaitu di antara tapi maknanya nggak sama. Between itu dipake kalau di antara 2 benda/orang, sedangkan Among digunakan apabila di antara beberapa atau banyak benda/orang. Contoh:

  • My office is between the bank and the shop. (Kantorku ada di antara bank dan toko.)
  • Her office is among the tall buildings. (Kantornya berada di antara bangunan-bangunan tinggi)

Between dan Next to adalah contoh kata depan yang berarti di sebelah / di samping. Kamu bisa gunakan kata depan ini apabila lokasi sebuah benda berada di dekat benda lainnya. Contoh:

  • I am happy sitting next to you. (Aku senang duduk di sebelahmu.)
  • My house is beside the supermarket. (Rumahku ada di sebelah supermarket.)

English prepositions of place
English prepositions of place (Preposisi bahasa Inggris tentang tempat). Sumber foto: Individual images provided by Thirunavukkarasye-Raveendran (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikipedia Commons

Preposisi Penting Lainnya / Other important Prepositions

Preposition of movement: untuk memberi petunjuk arah pergerakan (towards the post office, go up stairs, out of the hall).

EnglishUsage (Penggunaan)Example (Contoh)
  • from

  • who gave it
  • a present from Jane
  • of

  • who/what does it belong to
  • what does it show
  • a page of the book
  • the picture of a palace
  • by

  • who made it
  • a book by Mark Twain
  • on

  • walking or riding on horseback
  • entering a public transport vehicle
  • on foot, on horseback
  • get on the bus
  • in

  • entering a car  / Taxi
  • get in the car
  • off

  • leaving a public transport vehicle
  • get off the train
  • out of

  • leaving a car  / Taxi
  • get out of the taxi
  • by

  • rise or fall of something
  • travelling (other than walking or horseriding)
  • prices have risen by 10 percent
  • by car, by bus
  • at

  • for age
  • she learned Russian at 45
  • about

  • for topics, meaning what about
  • we were talking about you

Preposisi Pengantar atau Instrumen (Preposition of Agent or Instrument)

Preposition of Agent or Instrument adalah jenis kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan cara sesuatu dilakukan. Beberapa contoh preposition of agent or instrument yang sering digunakan dalam keseharian seperti by, with, without.

By artinya oleh. Biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan cara atau pelaku yang melakukan sebuah tindakan. Kata depan bahasa Inggris ini sering digunakan dalam kalimat pasif. Yuk perhatikan contohnya.

  • This novel was written by Harper Lee. (Novel ini ditulis oleh Harper Lee.)
  • I will go there by train. (Saya akan pergi ke sana dengan kereta api.)

With dan Without itu kayak lawan kata. With artinya dengan, sedangkan Without artinya tanpa. Agar lebih jelas, yuk perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

  • She can write better with her own pen. (Ia bisa menulis lebih baik dengan pulpennya sendiri.)
  • She can’t write well without her pen. (Ia tidak bisa menulis dengan baik tanpa pulpennya.)
  • Won’t you come with me? (Tidakkah kamu ikut bersamaku?)
  • Will you guys go without me? (Akankah kalian pergi tanpa aku?)

Preposisi Dasar Lainnya

Saya nggak bisa jelasin semua contoh preposition dalam tabel satu per satu. Itu akan membuat artikel ini terlalu panjang dan membosankan. So, saya pilih preposition yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.

Dalam subpoin ke-6 ini, kita bahas dua preposition lainnya yaitu Of, To.

Of artinya dari. Preposition of berfungsi untuk menyatakan kepemilikan (possession) dan menyatakan jumlah (quantity). Lihat contoh berikut.

  • This is the bag of my uncle’s girlfriend. (Ini adalah tas dari pacar pamanku.)
  • She ate three bowls of chicken soup. (Ia makan 3 mangkuk sup ayam.)
  • They got a discount of 75 percent. (Mereka mendapatkan diskon 75 persen.)

To adalah salah satu kata depan bahasa Inggris yang paling populer digunakan. To bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat, bisa pula menunjukkan peruntukan, dan dapat juga menyatakan waktu. To artinya ke, sampai, untuk. Contoh:

  • I go to school from Monday to Friday. (Aku pergi ke sekolah dari Senin sampai Jumat.)
  • Please send this letter to her. (Tolong kirim surat ini untuknya.)
  • All of us went to Peninsula Island. (Semuanya pergi ke Pulau Peninsula.)

Contoh Gabungan Kata-Kata Preposisi / Prepositional Phrase

Preposisi bisa rumit. Satu masalah adalah seringkali tidak ada logika sama sekali! Kami menggunakannya dalam banyak ungkapan dan sayangnya, kami hanya perlu mempelajarinya dengan hati. Sebenarnya tidak ada aturan.

(Mari kita sebut ‘preposisi kata-kata’ ini tetapi kadang-kadang orang menyebutnya ‘frasa preposisi’ atau ‘ekspresi preposisi’.)

Prepositional Phrase
Kombinasi antara preposition dengan object of preposition membentuk suatu frasa yang disebut prepositional phrase. Preposition yang membentuk prepositional phrase tersebut dapat hanya terdiri dari satu kata (one word preposition: at, on, it), atau gabungan dengan part of speech lain (complex preposition: along with, as well as, by means of).

Contoh Prepositional Phrase: under the bridge, at school, because of you.
Prepositional phrase dapat dibedakan menjadi adjectival prepositional phrase dan adverbial prepositional phrase. Adjectival berfungsi seperti adjective yang menerangkan noun, sedangkan adverbial berfungsi seperti adverb yang menerangkan verb, adjective, atau adverb.

1. At last = finally

  • After a long journey, at last we arrived at our hotel.
  • At last! I thought you’d never get here!

2. On foot = walking (NOT by foot)

  • I usually go to work on foot.
  • Did you come by car or on foot?

3. By mistake = not meaning to

  • I dropped the glass by mistake. I’m really sorry.
  • She gave him the wrong book by mistake.

4. In advance = beforehand

  • We need to book the tickets for the cinema in advance, or we won’t get a good seat.
  • She always buys her food for Christmas well in advance.

5. Out of reach = too high to touch (literally or metaphorically)

  • She tried to grab the kite as it flew away but it was already out of reach.
  • That job is out of reach. I don’t have the right qualifications for it.

6. For instance = here is an example

  • John reads a lot. For instance, yesterday he read two books.
  • You should eat more vegetables. Why don’t you have a salad at lunchtime, for instance?

7. In danger = in a dangerous situation

  • When the car started rolling we realised that we were in danger. Luckily we managed to stop.
  • The dog fell into the river and was in danger for several minutes.

8. Without fail = always / definitely

  • She visits her mother every week without fail.
  • I study for twenty minutes a day without fail.

9. By chance = without planning

  • I saw Natasha at the station by chance.
  • She found the perfect book by chance in a second hand bookshop.

10. On purpose = intending to do something

  • She left without paying on purpose! It wasn’t a mistake.
  • Did you take my bag on purpose? Why would you do that?

11. For a change = to do something different

  • Let’s have Italian food for a change. We always eat British food.
  • I don’t want to go to the cinema again. I want to go to the park for a change.

12. On time (for) = at the time that was arranged

  • She was on time for the meeting. It started at nine and she arrived at nine.
  • Why are you never on time? I’m so fed up with waiting for you.

13. To my surprise = I was surprised

  • I opened the door, and to my surprise, it was Lucy! I’d thought she was in Paris.
  • To his surprise, the baby stopped crying and smiled at him.

14. At once = immediately

  • You must do it at once! Don’t wait even one minute.
  • She cleaned up at once when she realised that her mother was coming to visit.

15. In common (with) = something that’s shared or the same

  • People from different countries have a lot in common. We all want to have good lives.
  • What does a cat have in common with a mouse? Well, they are both mammals.

Contoh Preposisi Bahasa Inggris

Dalam tabel berikut dilengkapi dengan artinya dan contoh kalimat.

Contoh Preposition


Contoh Kalimat Preposition

AboutTentangShe talked about her trip.
AboveDi atasWe flew above the clouds.
According toMenurutAccording to Rick, it’s delicious.
AcrossDi seberangThey walked across that bridge.
AfterSetelahI should leave after breakfast.
AgainstMelawanIs it against the law?
AlongSepanjangDid you walk along the road?
AmidDi tengah-tengahWe found our task amid those papers.
AmongDi antaraShe is sitting among the dogs.
AroundSekitarThe Earth goes around the Sun.
AsSebagaiMy sister works as a blogger.
AtDi, padaShe arrieved at 7.00 a.m.
BeforeSebelumWhere did you go before school?
BehindDi belakangWho is the little girl behind her?
BelowDi bawahWrite your name below this line.
BeneathDi bawahThat boat sank beneath the waves.
BesideDi sampingThe clock is beside the book.
BetweenDi antaraThe fridge is between those shelves.
Because ofKarenaWe moved here because of our baby.
BeyondMelampauiIt is beyond my expectation.
ByOleh, denganWe went by car.
ConcerningTentangHe asked me concerning his carrier.
DownKe arah bawahWe live just down the street.
DuringSelamaWe were in China during the summer.
ExceptKecualiWe all like pizza except Peter.
FarJauhThe bank is far from here.
ForUntuk, selamaThis letter is for you.
FromDariThis parcel is from our neighbour.
InDi, padaShe lives in London.
In front ofDi depanA pretty girl sits in front of you.
IntoKeCome into my house!
InsideDalamThese clothes are inside the box.
Instead ofDaripadaWe should eat fruit instead of candy.
LikeSepertiShe is just like you.
NearDekatI stay near here.
Next toDi sampingWe sat next to each other.
OfDari, padaThis is a picture of my family.
OffKeluar, menjauhKeep off the grass.
OnDi, padaThose books are on my bed.
OntoDi / ke atasThe cat climbed onto the roof.
OppositeDi seberangThat shop is opposite the bank.
OutsideDi luarThose books are outside the box.
OutDi / ke luarHer dog is out from the house.
Out ofKeluar dariHe is now out of danger.
OverDi atasMy flat is over the minimart.
PastmelewatiI walked past her house.
RoundmengelilingiWe will travel round the country.
SinceSejakShe has changed since the age of 21.
ThanDari / daripadaI am shorter than my brother.
ThroughMelaluiDid you get in through the window?
TillSampaiWill he be outside till 10 o’clock?
ToKe, untuk, sampaiShe walks to school.
TowardsMenujuHe was walking toward his office.
UnderDi bawahHer bag was under the table.
UnderneathDi bawahThe pen is underneath the sofa.
UntilSampaiMy partner worked until midnight.
UntoSampai, kepadaShe appeared unto him in a dream.
UpDi / ke atasThey live just up the road.
UponDi atasI cannot stand upon a skateboard.
WithDenganMy brother lives with our parents.
WithinDalamCan you finish it within a month?
WithoutTanpaWe will go without our dogs.

Contoh Soal Preposisi Bahasa Inggris

1. Go to the right side to find a café (Pergi ke sisi kanan untuk menemukan kafe).

Penjelasan: Dalam contoh kalimat ini, preposition yang ada hanya terdiri atas satu kata, yakni “to” (ke), untuk menjelaskan tentang arah pergi ke “the right side” (sisi kanan).

2. Those dolls have been here since 1997 (Boneka-boneka itu sudah ada di sini sejak 1997).

Penjelasan: Contoh kalimat ini juga memperlihatkan penerapan preposition yang hanya mengandungi satu kata, yakni “since” (sejak), untuk menggambarkan fungsi penjelas waktu dari keadaan “those dolls have been here” (boneka-boneka itu sudah ada di sini).

3. The plan is cancelled due to company’s changing policy (Rencananya dibatalkan mengingat adanya perubahan peraturan perusahaan).

Penjelasan: Untuk menjelaskan alasan “the plan is cancelled” (rencananya dibatalkan), contoh kalimat ini menggunakan preposition yang terdiri atas dua kata, yakni “due to” (mengingat).

4. You can find my trophy on top of my shelves (Kamu dapat menemukan pialaku di atas rakku).

Penjelasan: Preposition yang digunakan dalam contoh kalimat ini juga berjumlah dua kata, yakni “on top” (di atas). Preposition ini digunakan untuk menyatakan lokasi dari “my trophy” (pialaku).

5. She lives … Sydney. (in / on / at)

Jawaban: She lives in Sydney.

6. I will come … your house … 7.30 a.m. (for / to / in / on / at)

Jawaban: I will come to your house at 7.30 a.m.

7. This – girlfriend – photo – my – is – a – of

Jawaban: This is a photo of my girlfriend.

8. Only some … my friends are very kind. (to / of / for)

Jawaban: Only some of my friends are very kind.

9. We play together … school. (under / between / after)

Jawaban: We play together after school.

10. We put the key … this desk. (in / on / at)

Jawaban: We put the key on this desk.

11. Her cat is … those boxes. (between / to / of)

Jawaban: Her cat is between those boxes.

12. This package is … your uncle. (for / at / above)

Jawaban: This package is for your uncle.

13. What time do you usually arrive … school? (to / at / on)

Jawaban: What time do you usually arrive at school?

14. They will be back … Thursday morning. (in / at / on)

Jawaban: They will be back on Thursday morning.

15. He came here … night. (in / at / on)

Jawaban: He came here at night.

16. a – Her – chair – under – purse – was – yellow

Jawaban: Her purse was under a yellow chair.

17. party – met – They – a – at

Jawaban: They met at a party.

18. battery – We – phone – a – new – need – the – for

Jawaban: We need a new battery for the phone.

19. men – She – handsome – is – two – between – sitting

Jawaban: She is sitting between two handsome men.

20. I applied _____ the university of melbourn. I applied ____ admission to the Harvard University.

Jawaban: to, for

21.  I borrowed this dictionary_____ Pedro.

Jawaban: to

21. I admire my father _____ his honesty and intelligance.

Jawaban: for

22. Could you please help me _____ these heavy suitcases?

Jawaban: to bring

23. I discussed my educational plans ____ my parents.

Jawaban: with

24. Jessica, would you like me introduce you _______ Sarah?

Jawaban: to

25. Are you laughing _____ my mistakes?

Jawaban: at

26. You shouldn’t stare ______ other people. it’s not polite.

Jawaban: at

27. Do you believe _____ ghosts?

Jawaban: in

28. Marco Polo traveled  _____ China in the thirteenth century.

Jawaban: to

29. I argued _____  Johnny _____ politics.

Jawaban: with, to

30. Paula applied _____ a job at the automobile factory.

Jawaban: for

31. She paid for lunch _____ advance, so we don’t need to pay now.

Jawaban: in

32. I went to the wrong house _____ mistake.

Jawaban: by

33. Please make sure that you’re _____ time for the class.

Jawaban: on

34. I was walking to the station and _____ chance I saw the glove that I’d lost on the ground.

Jawaban: by

35. I love eating out in London. _____ instance, one of my favourite restaurants has amazing Japanese food.

Jawaban: For

36. I think the cat is _____ danger on that high roof.

Jawaban: in

37. I picked up the laptop and _____ my surprise it fell apart in my hands.

Jawaban: to

38. I have a lot _____ common with my cousin. We both like many of the same things.

Jawaban: in

39. If the baby starts to cry, pick her up _____ once.

Jawaban: at

40. Did you forget your purse _____  purpose so you wouldn’t have to pay?

Jawaban: on

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